A Trusted IRS Tax Relief Firm –
IRS Rapid Relief

Let us Do the Right Thing for You with personalized tax guidance & strategy.

Get Your Questions Answered Here and Now!

Real People Giving Real Honest Help

We know how difficult it is to deal with ever-changing tax codes and feeling like the IRS or State is attacking you and there is nowhere to turn. You need someone you can trust to do the right thing for you!
At IRS Rapid Relief, we offer a wide range of tax planning and resolution education and services to meet your exact needs. From audits to business review and tax advice, we build personal relationships based on decades of tax education success with small businesses.

Our Services Overview


Elite Tax-Saving Business
Education and Strategies

Ready to save more on your bottom line? We spend time educating you on your business tax breaks and making sure you know the rules needed so you are not afraid of the IRS attacking you for any reason.


In-Depth Review and Strategy For Better Decisions When Dealing With The IRS

Insight- it’s what every great business decision is based on. We create the ideal resolution strategy to give you a measurable edge.  This is done through the years of experience of our Enrolled Agent Led Team.


Full-Service Lifestyle Protection Programs

Time is money & knowledge is power. Let us put our Team on autopilot to ensure that you always have plenty of both when trying to save your hard-earned dollars from IRS or State penalties or fees!

Tax Planning That Pays Dividends

What happens when a Tax and Small Business Advisory Firm uses every possible resource to analyze your tax planning?

It means you gain substantial tax savings and insight throughout the year. You’ll also be able to make smarter decisions with your working capital without worrying about a looming April 15th deadline or the IRS. We like to think of it as tax-planning prevention since all your tax-bases are covered.

Call Us Today For Smarter, More Practical Tax Solutions!


Our Tax Debt Relief Process

See why we’re the highest rated tax education & Resolution professionals in the State!


Free Initial Consultation and Financial Analysis

We will go through your entire financial situation, step-by-step and see what IRS tax relief programs you qualify for, determine how we can help, and answer any questions that you may have



Research and Investigation

Using our proprietary software and a Power of Attorney, we will work with the IRS computer to determine what evidence they have against you (without disclosing anything), so we can create a plan of attack.




Once we know what the IRS is saying you are out of compliance on, we can get it fixed for you.  It may be unfiled returns, improperly filed tax return, unfiled or unpaid payroll taxes, or ?? 

We Can Handle It!




After learning exactly what they have against you, we will negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, removing all the penalties we can, and fighting for a great settlement for you.  This solution can include things like Offer-In-Compromise, Currently Non-Collectible, or Installment Plans, and more.


Let us help you develop a strong tax strategy to minimize your IRS tax debt!

Schedule An Appointment!

**Peace Of Mind**
A Much Less Stressful
IRS or State Audit Experience

An IRS Audit is about taking a closer look at your tax return and making sure you included all your income and only proper deductions and credits. But an IRS Audit is stressful and nerve-racking. Our experts give you a clear picture of your overall tax return risk and the reason for the audit.  Plus they develop the defense and process to minimize any negative adjustment to tax return and many times finding missed deductions to reduce your tax liability. 
Call Us Today At (866) 901-6562

Easy To Find & Convenient Hours

Opening Hours


Monday             10:00AM-4PM
Tuesday             10:00AM-4PM
Wednesday       10:00AM-4PM
Thursday           10:00AM-4PM
Friday                 10:00AM-4PM
Saturday                      Closed
Sunday                         Closed